
How My Pets Saved Me From Bullying


Little girl with cat

My sister Julie with Kougle the cat circa 1973

When I was a little girl I was bullied. A lot. I was small, sweet, naive and an easy target. In middle school, in addition to the taunting, the big tough girls threatened to beat me up. It was scary and I didn’t have the emotional tools to deal with it (Who does?).

I thought… what did I do to deserve this? Will I survive?  It didn’t seem anyone quite understood the torture. I know middle school can be tough for almost everyone. I also know my experience was painful.

So I cried when I got home. And listened to music. And told my cat, Kougle everything. He understood. He would be waiting under my bed. Willing to listen and be with me. And he purred. It was his honor and duty and he loved his job.

He didn’t care that I didn’t have the right things to say back to the bullies, or that I said and did stupid stuff ALL THE TIME trying to be accepted. He just loved me for me. He was grateful for the warm home, the stroking, the food and the love I gave back to him.

Obviously, I survived middle school. I am forever grateful to Kougle. After college I adopted a kitten my sister couldn’t keep (she now fosters kittens).  Once I was settled, we added another cat and then dogs. Having pets is one of my greatest joys.

I work from home by design. I don’t have the overhead of office space, plus I get to be with my dogs all day.  From time to time I think about spending an afternoon working in a coffee shop (which I have done in the past) but I love being home with my dogs.

I take breaks and play with them or we go for walks.

I find it comforting with them here. It happens infrequently, but from time to time both of them are out of the house. It is eerily quiet.

Dogs hanging out on the couch

My dogs are not really allowed on the sofa

I love walking past them and rubbing an ear, or a belly even just for a moment. The science is right, petting an animal calms us down. And I’m not just talking about the times when I’m upset about something. Even when everything is great, there is a comfort in their warm furry bodies.

Yes, it takes work and commitment. But they are so simple really. Give them the basics and some love and everyone is happy.

January 24th is Change a Pets Life Day. I know in my bones that all of my pets have changed MY life. They have offered me companionship, taught me compassion and love and in return I care for and love them.

My dogs listen to my stories and they know when I’m sad. I get extra kisses and snuggles on those days. Plus we take walks together which is a great stress reliever.

valoffice-dogrevI can’t imagine my life without them. Since I rescued all of my dogs (and a few of our cats), I know I changed THEIR lives too. They are no longer on the streets, or chained in a backyard. I’d say they’ve got it pretty good. But so do I.

Have you ever changed a pet’s life? If you’d like to but don’t know where to begin, you will find tons of life changing information in my book What to Expect When Adopting a Dog.


  1. Jamie Lewis says:

    Thank you for this touching story Diane. So glad to know that you had the wonderful kitty at home to help you when you needed her as a little girl! She was the start of it all I bet! Love how you share your loving animal experiences!!

  2. Jan Ramsay says:

    My sweet friend, I could never have guessed you went through being bullied. You are such a treasure. I am so grateful your animals had your back.

    • Diane says:

      It is true, Jan. I’m sure it’s why I have a soft spot for the animals who don’t have a voice.

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